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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

Indonesia's Strategies to Combat Climate Change

In October 2007, the government created its National Action Plan on Climate Change (RAN-PI, 2007), aiming to achieve a low carbon economy in the long term and to turn the forest area from a source of CO2 emissions into a 'carbon sink'.

Indonesia  has  since  announced  an  emission  reduction target of 26% by 2020 compared to "business as usual" and has begun to integrate climate change into development planning, producing "The Indonesia Response to Climate Change"  as  well  as  sector-specific  "roadmaps"  and mitigation action plans.

A large part of the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions must come from the forest sector and from limiting further forest and peatland conversion.  Tackling the drivers of deforestation is therefore a priority in the planned National Strategy on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in Indonesia.

The  Ministry  of  Forestry  will  create  the  institutional framework  for  an  Indonesian  REDD  scheme  including regulations,  a  Reference  Emission  Level  (REL),  an emission-reduction Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, a national carbon accounting system and mechanisms for distribution of REDD payments.

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environmentCooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz