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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)


Channel description:

FORCLIME Technical Cooperation (TC) is a programme implemented by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry and GIZ, and funded through the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). FORCLIME supports Indonesia's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the forestry sector (REDD+), to conserve forest biodiversity, and to implement sustainable forest management for the benefit of the people. The previous Programme’s activities were implemented at the national level as well as at three districts in Kalimantan (Kapuas Hulu, Berau, Malinau. Since 2021, FORCLIME 4.0 has activities at the national level as well as at three provinces: Papua, West Papua, and Central Sulawesi, particularly at the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve.

SAR dan Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati (The Sar and the Biodiversity Conservation)

Geliat Pemberdayaan Ekonomi di Bumi Wasur (Economic Empowerment in Wasur)

Bumi Wasur (the Land of Wasur)

Api dan Kehidupan Wasur (Fire and the Life of Wasur)

Diversity at Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve, Central Sulawesi

Potency of ecotourism at Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve, Central Sulawesi

Man and Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve, Central Sulawesi

Kisah dari Tepi

Catatan tentang Penerapan Program Hutan dan Perubahan Iklim (FORCLIME) di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi

Sekilas tentang FORCLIME TC:

Film pendek ini menjelaskan secara singkat tentang hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh FORCLIME dalam lingkup Kerja Sama Teknis.

Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve - Central Sulawesi

A glance of Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

2020 Cendrawasih at Rephang Muaif Papua NGI

This movie shows Hutan Adat Rhepang Muaif Nimbokrang District, which forest was designated for eco-tourism for bird watching: Bird of Paradise (burung Cendrawasih).

2020 Cycloops Papua NGI

This movie shows at glance the mountainous Nature Reserve Cycloops that crosses two administrative governments, Jayapura Regency and Jayapura municipality. In Papua Province. Most of the mountainous Cycloops was designated as a nature reserve that aims for water hydrology, flood prevention, protection of coastal forest ecosystems, lowland forest, mountain forests and protection of wildlife habitats.

2020 Hutan Perempuan Papua NGI

Hutan Perempuan or women's forest is a mangrove forest that is considered sacred by the traditional communities of Enggros and Tobati villages. Women's forest has unique cultural values. According to their customary rules, Hutan Perempuan can only be accessed by women - forbidden for male

Shrimp farms at Kayan-Sembakung Delta

This movie shows a glance traditional shrimp farms, its condition and challenges, at Kayan-Sembakung Delta in North Kalimantan.

Desa Setulang : Tana Olen

This movie shows the beauty of Tane Olen, a traditional forest that preserve by the Setulang community in generations.

REDD simply explained movie:

This short movie contains a brief explanation on How to avoid the destruction of forests, preserve biodiversity and effectively protect our climate at the same time. The movie is produced by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Sustainable tropical forest management simply explained:

This short movie reveals how to manage a forest sustainably and to stop forest destruction and to embrace the legitimate rights of usage. The movie is produced by BMZ.

Jakarta – BiodiverCity

Through a photography workshop this movie is ‘talking’ about the remaining wildlife in Jakarta. Revealing the other side of Jakarta. The workshop was a follow up activities of the FORCLIME online Photo Contest 2011, which was conducted as part of celebration of the International Year of Forest 2011.

Biodiversity Day 2010

This movie is a documentary film for awareness raising on biodiversity conservation during the celebration of the Biodiversity Day 2010. Some students from the West Kalimantan visited village and forest in Kapuas Hulu district and learned about forest and biodiversity. They stayed in Manua Sadap village for a couple of days and had their first experience walking in the forest.

Community and FMU in Kapuas Hulu

This movie is a documentary film related to the concept of sustainable forest management and the climate change and the relation of having forest management unit at the site level. Scenes were taken in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan.

Conflict mediation in Kapuas Hulu

The movie is documentary film during the special traditional ceremony based on customary traditions of two village communities Menua Sadap and Pulau Manak in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan. The ceremony celebrated the agreement over their administrative village boundaries and to symbolize the end of a long-standing boundary dispute between two villages. With multi-stakeholder support from WGT, FORCLIME, the sub-district government, and of course the two communities themselves, a solution acceptable for all actors involved could be found. Clear administrative boundaries are an important prerequisite for a village to receive government funds.

Cocoa Agroforestry training in Malinau, North Kalimantan

This is a documentary movie on introducing successional agroforestry as a cultivation system for cocoa plantations through workshops and field training (establishing demonstration plots) to District Government and farmer representatives in Malinau (North Kalimantan) and Kapuas Hulu (West Kalimantan) districts. FORCLIME aims to improve/facilitate communities’ access to technology, resources and capital by building capacities among all involved stakeholders - beginning with the cocoa farmers and businesses up to government agencies - to create the positive framework conditions.

Pengarusutamaan gender

This documentary movie explains the continues efforts of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to increase and translate gender mainstreaming in development planning and budgeting processes of the Ministry of Forestry.

Kenapa ada ketidaksetaraan gender?

This documentary movie explains why there is inequality in gender. Individuals are always doing gender. They always perform or deviate from socially accepted performance of stereotypes.

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environmentCooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz