On March 16-17, 2016 GIZ FORCLIME supported the Directorate for Forest Resource Inventory and Monitoring (IPSDH) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) in conducting the final workshop of a series of workshops on the revision of the guideline for forest management inventories on FMU level. More than 40 forestry experts from MoEF, universities, FMUs, FAO and GIZ came together for a two-day workshop full of intensive plenary and group work discussions. The experts provided final inputs for a new ‘minimum standard for forest management inventories’ compiled by GIZ FORCLIME and ForestEye consultants from the University of Goettingen, Germany.
On the first day, ForestEye Dr. Lutz Fehrmann from the University of Goettingen presented the draft minimum standard. Representatives from three Technical Implementation Units (Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan – BPKH) of DG of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management (Planologi Kehutanan dan Tata Lingkungan) who are currently in charge of implementing forest inventories on FMU level presented their experiences from the field including challenges in implementation and further suggestions for improvement. IPSDH gave an overview about the regulatory framework related to forest inventories. The second day was dedicated to further in-depth discussions in four working groups on sampling design, implementation, inventory data management and complex data compilation such as socio-economic, ecological, biodiversity and other data.
As next step, the inputs from the workshop, especially the results from the working group discussions, will be incorporated in the draft minimum standard. Ultimately in April 2016 the minimum standard will be handed over to IPSDH as GIZ FORCLIME’s contribution to IPSDH’s final compilation of the revised guideline for forest inventories on FMU level which is expected to be endorsed in 2017.
For further information please contact:
Tobias Goedde, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management